Course Settings

This tutorial will walk you through the steps of setting up a course. Setting up a course in your VigilearnLMS can be accomplished with just few steps.

1. Create Course

To create a course on VigilearnLms, all you need is to login as a Tutor. See Creating Course to continue.

2. View Course(s)

To view course(s), on the Menu, click Courses > My Courses. On your course list page, you have a card-like view of all your course(s). Navigate to the course you want to view and click View Course.

3. Course Details

After clicking View Course in the step above, you are taken to Course Details page where you are shown everything about the course such as the course description, the number of Course Instructor(s), total number of Enrolled Student, total number of Course Review, the Estimated Course Time and also the course mark breakdown.

1 Course Curriculum

To view the course curriculum, click the Curriculum tab. The curriculum pane gives you the breakdown of the course in full detail. On the curriculum pane is the full course description, the total number of module available for the course: to which we have the total number of topic under each module. Each module topic is also broken down to enable us an overview of what it entails (Descriptions, total number of multimedia content, total number of assignment and quiz).

You can add Assignment, Quiz to topic and also edit Topic simply by navigating to the topic and clicking the appropriate button.

2 Course Review

To view the course review, click the Reviews tab. All the course reviews are display showing the star rating and the comments.

  • To Review the course, scroll to Rate Course to set your star rating for the course and type in your comment in the comment box and click Save Review. Your review is then automatically added to the existing course reviews.

3 View Tutor Rating

To view the tutor rating, on the course page under the Course Instructor description click View. On the tutor list page, click on the name of the tutor whose rating is to be viewed and the rating box showed up from where you can see students' ratings and comments about the tutor.

4. Edit Course

To edit a course, on the Course Details page , click on Edit Icon in front the course name.

On the Edit Course tab, make changes to every necessary field you want to and click Update Course to effect the changes made.

On the Edit Modules tab, all available modules for the course are listed. Go to the module you want to edit;
1 Add Module

To add module to the course, click on New Module. On the create module page, supply Module Name and Description in the fields provided and click Create Module to add the module to the course.

2 Edit Module

To edit a module, navigate to the module to be edited and click on Edit Module. On the edit module page, make all necessary change(s) and click update Module to effect the changes made.

3 Add Topic

To add a topic, navigate to the module you want to add course and click on Add Topic. Follow the steps on Here to continue.

4 Delete Module

To delete a module, navigate to the module to be deleted and click on Delete. On the delete confirmation page, click Yes to delete or Cancel to discard.

5 Set Course Grade

To configure how marks will be awarded in a course, on the right pane of the course page locate How this course is graded box and click CHAGE THIS. On the grade configuration page, input the marks as appropriate in the fields available and click Save.